How do we know when something is true or not? Until they shut it down in ignominious defeat, the first clue could have been to listen to what the Biden Disinformation Governance Board had to say on a topic - then believe the opposite until proven otherwise. Now that it is gone you pretty much just have to listen to anything the administration says at all.
I saw a great t-shirt today, worn by an acquaintance at the bagel store. "I don't need sex. The government f**** me every day." They do. All do. But, never like this before. I thought Obama was the worst president in my lifetime. But he would be a godsend compared to this one. The lies are unending and without shame.
As I often do, I most sincerely address my moderate and independent friends, those of you who are not Republicans or conservatives (as I am not) and believe you just seek what is best for America, not a political party. You, all of us, have been lied to at an unprecedented rate for years, and even when it comes out, you don't seem to care.
I have wondered why this is and I've come to the conclusion that there is what some are calling "mass formation psychosis" going on in more than one way. For some of you, it is believing what the government is telling you is true about masks, lock downs, vaccinations, etc. For most of you, it is like the brainwashing in the Manchurian Candidate with respect to one word. You hear the word "Trump," and you immediately feel something is is evil or wrong. You say you like facts or data, but you have virtually none, only negative adjectives to describe him. You cleave to theories, rumors, conspiracies about him, though they are proven wrong so often. Yet you are willing to believe the next one. How often do you have to be shown that they are lying to you to realize it? I'm not sure it is possible anymore. Once an emotion is connected to a political thought it is very hard to break the bind.
Now with Trump,
The media and the pols told you told you he couldn't win the primary. He won easily, but, you still trusted them.
You were told by them he couldn't win the general election, but he did and yet you still trusted them.
You were told that he was brutal to woman (NYTs article during the campaign*), until the woman who was the focus of it said the very next day to say that she was lied to by the Times, who told her it wasn't a hit job and it wasn't what I told them. She said, in fact, he had been good to her. I admit it took me a while before I realized you could not trust The Times politically at all anymore, but it had been for a half century my favorite news source and I was very biased in its favor. But, still you trusted them, The Times, CNN, MSNBC, the networks, etc. Why?
*Her name was Rowanne Brewer Lane, if you want to look her up.
You were told his campaign illegally conspired with Russia, which turned out to be not only a complete lie, but a Clinton campaign tactic that our country wasted two years on. We have learned there was a deep state that acted against him and that we can't even trust the FBI. It was actually much worse than Watergate and we aren't even at the very bottom of it yet. It was a disgusting attempt to take down a presidency by political opponents, some his electoral opposition and some in government. The lying has been exposed. But, that somehow doesn't bother you. You don't hate Hillary Clinton the way you do Trump. Why? Many of you still believe that there was something to the Russia story though it was completely disproven AND that the FBI knew it almost from the start.
You were told that Trump saying to the Ukrainian president . . . can you do us a favor (investigate corruption, which would not bode well for his opponent - Biden) was a crime, then a quid pro quo, then. . . uh . . . well we can just impeach him because we want to. Despite the obvious partisanship of it, and a second attempt to take down an American president, and more lying by the left, you still don't care. Why?
You were told that his rule to try to prevent terrorism, temporarily preventing citizens of a few countries from coming here, and which rule did not permit religious discrimination, was somehow a "Muslim Ban." In actuality, only a small fraction of Muslims in the world would be temporarily kept out because of where they came from and not their religion? When it was pointed out in court that Obama had a very similar order, the attorneys for those attacking the rule actually argued it was okay for Obama but not Trump. But you are okay with that. I have to wonder why you don't realize they lie to you about almost everything or don't care?
When he actually solved a border crisis by working with Mexico and other countries, they told you he was keeping children in cages, which turned out to be Obama era cages. But, that doesn't bother you (despite what Biden has done to the border since day 1 of his administration). Why don't you care about it?
They tried to blame the riot on January 6, 2021 at the Capital on him, despite that he only asked that them to march "peacefully" (actually, "peacefully and patriotically"). But they repeatedly lie to you about it, tell you a cop was killed there, that their was a gallows (it was a mock gallows). They tried to impeach him for it even after he was out of office, because it really had nothing to do with the normal purposes of actual impeachment, simply revenge and to try and keep him from running next time. It failed again. But you don't care. I really don't understand the sufferance of the exposed lies being told you unless the mass formation psychosis is that strong, that you not only don't care, but don't even notice.
These aren't small lies, they are big ones. Some of them are major events, or caused major events. For four years they tried to take down the government and almost did several times.
They tell you Trump lies all the time, and no doubt, he does lie sometime. But, he seems to lie about small things that inflate his ego, like how many people were at an inauguration. Differences of opinion are not lies.
One could go on for pages about the lies told you every day and yet you cleave to the belief that the left is better or at least, the Trump right is so bad.
That most everything is bad is Trump's fault, including:
The debacle in Afghanistan.
The border crisis (which he had actually resolved).
They also lie to you about -
There not being such a thing as men and women but the thinking you are one or the other.
That there are multiple genders.
That mothers are "birthing people," not women.
That men who cut off their penises and take hormones are now women.
That the Florida law forbidding teachers talking to children about sex is about saying the word "gay."
That the biggest problem in America is white supremacy, which certainly exists, but concerns a tiny portion of people in the country and is responsible for an infinitesimal number of deaths by murder compared to blacks (most of which I suspect is connected to economics and the support of what author John McWhorter calls the Elect (woke folks).
That whites are devils and automatically racist.
That cops are trying to murder blacks.
That you are racist if you don't agree with the (racist) "anti-racists."
That antifa are not terrorists despite trying to burn cops alive and taking over territory, but parents who argue against their children being sexualized in grade school are.
That the top 1% of earners, who pay roughly 40% of income tax - do not pay their fair share.
That socialism works.
That capitalism is racism.
That CRT is not spreading in schools and it is only taught in law schools.
That many schools all over the country are not involved in trying to change the sex of children without even their parents' permission or knowledge.
That parents who opposed biological men using girls' bathrooms are domestic terrorists.
That the border is under control.
That homicide is a red state problem (it's an urban problem almost exclusively in Democrat run cities).
That Justice Kavanaugh is a rapist or molester.
All the lies about the Iranian nuclear deal.
That Hunter's laptop was a Russian hoax.
That Biden didn't know about Hunter's business dealings. Really, the lies and omissions over Joe and Hunter Biden - its own topic and not for today.
That Biden was a moderate about the border.
That Biden wasn't going to end fracking (which he did Day 1).
That the military and intelligence advised Biden to handle Afghanistan in the way we did.
That Trump was responsible for 400,000 American deaths from Covid (more died during Biden's first year and he had a vaccine).
That the vaccines prevented the spread of Covid.
That the 550 violent BLM/Antifa/Floyd riots of 2020 were mostly peaceful
That the Florida law stopping teachers from sexualizing 1-3 graders was the "Don't Say 'Gay'" law, though it does no such thing.
That what was known as CHOP in Seattle was about Democracy, not an insurrection (until 2 kids were murdered, then suddenly they had to go).
That Portland wasn't under siege (until they showed up at the mayor's house).
What's really important is that -
You believe these lies.
You are hypnotized into believing that Trump and everything associated with him is evil and that is the appropriate response to almost every question.
You don't realize that the media lies to you every day.
You don't realize that the media won't cover things they don't want you to know - whether about Antifa, or how many minority children have died because of the defund the police mission, how dangerous the cities have become, Democrat corruption by candidates (Bloomberg officially took the position of not reporting on it, but it was true of most of the other left wing media too), the whole Hunter Biden scandal and his father's knowledge and/or participation in it, the FBI and Justice Department's favoring the left (the Clintons and Bidens more than anyone) Joe Biden's long history of lies and unwanted and inappropriate touching . . . .
I've run out of steam. It's overwhelming. Hitting Post.