Sunday, June 13, 2021

But Trump . . . .

A lot of my best friends, including family members, voted for Biden. They are for the most part very smart people. But, politics isn't about smart at all. It's not about rationality at all. Albert Einstein was a political idiot in my view and he's a synonym for genius. He was also, for the most part, a very congenial man. But, my friends are also nice - they are terrific people. So, you might wonder if you pay close attention to what is going on in the country, why would they vote for Biden?

I know the answer. They've told me many times. "Trump's too conceited and that's dangerous." "Trump's too arrogant." "Trump's too mean." "Trump only does things to increase his own power." "Trump is evil." These are literally the arguments I have gotten from friends who I think are smart and nice. Basically, to any question or point, the answer might simply be "But Trump. . . ."  

"But Trump" trumps everything else. For some, it is the answer to any political question, the escape hatch for any set of facts.  It wouldn't matter if they believed Biden was also conceited, arrogant, dishonest or desperate for power at any cost to the nation, because, But Trump. . . . Though there is a point at which a presidents character or personality should impact us, at this level, their complaints seem meaningless to me, especially in a policy discussion, but it's not meaningless to them. For them, his personality dwarfs the importance of his policies and what he actually did.

Of course, there is second answer too. They don't know what is happening (I'm sure some would think that insulting, but if you watch mostly the usual media suspects on the left, you cannot know what's going on - the media literally hides it). So many times friends, discussing politics, say to me . . . but I never heard that, when I tell them something definitively true, which goes against the narrative. Inevitably, they watch CNN or MSNBC or read the usual suspect media. There's not much I can do about it if they just won't believe, not just what I tell them, but what they can easily learn themselves if they research it just a little.

I used to say that Obama was the worst president in modern times (and wrote 8 of 10 blogposts about it), but Biden has shot passed him as if Usain Bolt was racing me.  Despite what I think has been a disastrous first five months, I hear no regrets from my friends. I doubt they have these regrets. They still believe Trump is bad, Biden is either good or at least not Trump. I know Trump hate is fulsome. One friend (another smart and wonderful person), though seemingly opposed to almost everything on the left, said to me "I don't care if we have to pay reparations or if the whole country is destroyed - I hate him that much." Now, if the country was destroyed, her family lost their house, her kids their future, she'd care. Of course, she'd care. Remember, when polled in 2020 if they would rather a meteorite destroy human life on earth or Trump get re-elected - 64% of New Hampshire Ds picked the meteor But Trump. . . .

I have another friend who weekly complains about what is going on in this country? Why is this happening, he sometimes asks? I answer, repeatedly, "Because you voted for Biden."

For those who voted for Biden, I'd like you to consider the following:

The 2020 election.  Of the many offenses against Trump and his supporters, is the censorship by high tech media companies of their claim that the election was rigged or fraudulent or stolen. Why? Because they don't like him and just don't want to hear the possibility even being raised. Is there a possibility it was stolen? I don't think it was in the sense that it probably wasn't enough fraud to turn the election, but I'm guessing. I think it was lost through the media assaults on him, but the fact that courts refused to hear the matter (like the Supreme Court refusing to consider Texas' well drafted complaint against State's it believed stole the election or allowed illegal or fraudulent voting). I studied two cases from one of the States - Wisconsin - and it seems to me that it was stolen there by the judiciary and a couple of county clerks. I haven't finished my studies on the other states and cases (who knows if I will ever). 

But, leave aside whether the fraud charge is correct. The left, the Biden administration, the courts even, act as if it is outrageous for any candidate to challenge the veracity of elections. Yet, isn't that exactly what they did when Trump was elected - challenged his validity. John Lewis, once a hero, but who became dishonest and bitter in his old age, said in 2017 - "I don't see Trump as a legitimate president." Joe Biden, the Great Uniter (snicker) said in New Hampshire on the campaign trail in 2019 that he agreed Trump was "an illegitimate president in my mind." Hillary Clinton also said in 2019 “No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president. I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.” Jimmy Carter said in 2019 "“I think the interference, although not yet quantified, if fully investigated, would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.” Asked if he was illegitimate, Carter said “Based on what I just said, which I can’t retract, I would say yes.” A number of D congresspersons skipped Trumps inauguration. 

You get the picture. George W. Bush's was called illegitimate too. Despite Al Gore's concession, almost 1 out of every 5 Americans did not accept him as legitimate according to a Gallup poll. A Los Angeles Times' poll said 38% did not think it was a legitimate election.

So, why would it be wrong to say Biden wasn't legitimate? Oh, right. But Trump. . . 

The Death of American Institutions

When you vote for a president, you are also voting for the message of his or her party. I don't mean the message of every person in the party. For example, if you voted for Biden, it doesn't mean you support AOC. But, if the party largely stands for certain things and wants to make them law or policy, you are bringing that with your guy or gal into the White House. One thing the D party has tried to do is destroy so many of our institutions, particularly the ones that keep them from one party power, while, hypocritically claiming Trump was destroying them.

Unlike the Ds, Trump does not want -

To end the national border: This was such a long topic, I have to do a separate post for it; coming very soon.

To destroy the constitutional nomination system - I've written before on the Kavanaugh hearing, the one event (if you can use that word) so many people have said to me is the worst thing they've ever seen in politics (I'd say since Jim Crow). I send you to my own comments on the hearing written while it was fresh (David's blog: A Stain on our Democracy? I'd have to agree ( If you want to know the skinny here, it was essentially a planned attempt by Ds on the Senate Judiciary Committee to interfere with the hearing, coupled with the actions of their radical associates who, spectators at the hearing, would simply get up and scream at intervals. I don't know for sure, but I don't believe any of them were prosecuted - nor any of the people who made false accusations against Kavanaugh, in at least one case, admittedly. 

And if you want to say, what about Garland, well, I've always thought it was a bad idea of McConnell's to not give a hearing or a vote, but, it was completely legal to do so, which is why Obama didn't really fight it. It was not the same as interfering with a congressional hearing or making up claims against a nominee. 

But, that's not all the Ds did. Even before Kavanaugh, the Ds tried their best to deprive Trump of his cabinet. If you want to go count for yourself the number of opposition votes Obama's cabinet appointees got from the Rs to the number Trump got from the Ds go ahead. I did it long ago and it's not close. As one nominee pointed out when asked why she had not responded to a Senator's question - the opposition had sent her predecessor 50 follow up questions - she had gotten over a 1000. Actually, the two Obama education nominees got 53 and 56 post hearing questions, and with sub-questions, Betsy Devos had 1397, approximately 25 times as many as either. 

To appease Russia: Since at least 1917, our countries position visa vis Russia is near the top of every president's agenda and responsibilities. Ds love to castigate Trump for saying he got along well with Putin. But, the truth is, he always held Russia's feet to the fire and never game them cheap victories. Look at Obama first. He famously sent Hillary to meet Putin with a giant red reset button. One of his most naive moves. When Russia was ready to take it's airbase in Syria, Putin went to meet with Obama and then Russia immediately went into Syria. We did nothing but we haven't been told that they discussed it in that meeting - the coincidence of the time probably tells us all we need to know. And then there's the famous Obama hot mike pick up of him saying to Medvedev, Putin's deputy, to tell Putin he would be more flexible after the election - in other words, telling Putin the truth while he kept it from us. If that wasn't impeachable, I don't know how anything Trump did could be. Not to mention Crimea. When Russia took it, Obama did nothing (personally, I didn't have a problem with that - only Obama's obvious inability to confront real aggression, as with ISIS. And, of course, we know Obama did little to help Ukraine protect itself from Russia.

Even during the first impeachment hearings the diplomatic corps witnesses who testified against Trump also said that he had done much more for Ukraine than Obama. Of course he did. Trump actually supported countries which were attacked in the world, like Ukraine and Israel. He took the handcuffs off our troops and destroyed the effective power of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Now, Biden is president, and what does he do? When Russia, seeing how vulnerable we are with Biden as president, starts building tanks and troops up against Ukraine, Biden sends to warships to the Black Sea and then - has them retreat. Poor Ukraine. Not only that, but, after canceling our new pipeline and Alaskan gas and oil leases, he approves Russia's pipeline to Germany. Why? I don't know. Does he want to help Russia? Maybe. Personally, although I do not believe Biden is handcuffed by China as some claim, I think Xi could walk into Taiwan and Hong Kong tomorrow, and only doesn't do it because he doesn't want the Olympics boycotted.

To let Israel flounder: It seemed that once the two parties competed to show their support for the tiny nation that survived and flourished in the desert surrounded by dozens of countries that called for its destruction. Though Biden says he has Israel's back, he immediately started in with her when Hamas shot some 4000 missiles into her borders. Israel, as it always has, acted with tremendous restraint, doing its best not to kill citizens but to destroy as much of Hamas as it could, in the short time the world would give it. And, as always, when Hamas asked for a truce, it gave it. Though most American Jews are Ds despite much anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions. A few Democrat congresspersons have called out Rep. Ilhan Omar from comparing the U.S. and Israel to Hamas and Taliban (I checked - every one of them Jewish), and even Nancy Pelosi, another horrible and dangerous human being, knocked her for it. But, Biden does not. I think he is afraid of the Squad if they decide to go after him. Just my opinion, but when Rashida Tlaib said she wants Palestine from the River to the Sea (in other words, no Israel), he was silent too. When fellow Squad members, Cori Bush and AOC, unafraid of Biden or their party, defended Khan, he said nothing. I don't have a problem with them bucking their party, they should when they think it wrong. But, I do have a problem with racism, whether against Jews or anyone else. 

Biden also has decided to start funding UNSWA again, which Trump stopped because of its links to terrorism. When missiles rain down on Israel, they may have been purchased with our tax dollars. 

If you are not anti-Semitic, and support Biden and Democrats, you should know, that other than the Jewish "useful idiots" among them, who have blinders on to the anti-Semitism of their party, so many members of the Ds are just that. Only last year, in response to an amendment proposed by an R to include anti-Semitism in a bill meant to fight discrimination, over 70% of the Ds in the House voted against it. In fact, 162 of the 164 votes against were D votes. This is not a surprise as the D party has become more anti-Semitic over the last ten years or so (see, e.g., Antisemitism Spikes, And Many Jews Wonder: 'Where Are Our Allies?' | WAMU). I don't think Biden is really anti-Semitic, but I do think he is afraid of those who are in his own party and has swallowed the company line on Israel. And because he, like Obama, reflexively thinks if you are nice to terrorists they will be nice to you, he supports them despite Hamas being a declared terrorist group.

Trump, of course, is hardly afraid of his party, as he quickly insults any in it who displease him. Some people love that about him. I have always liked anyone bucking their party and so admire that about him, while having disquiet about his temperamental and sometimes ridiculous way of showing it. You also couldn't call Trump anti-Semitic, although both Obama and Biden has tried to blame Trump for the rise in anti-Semitism (if you look at U.S. stats on hate crimes - I found 2019's, the closest year available - you see that they are committed by whites less than their share of the population and by blacks almost double their share of the population). It was also seen that though Jews are less than 2% of the population, 60% of religious hate crimes are committed against them. 2018 data showed Jews were 2.7 times more likely than blacks and 2.2 times more likely than Muslims to be victims of hate crimes. In 2019, there were 1032 Jewish victims of hate crimes as opposed to 797 against blacks, although blacks far outnumber Jews in the population. 

Trump also was a great friend of Israel, so much so, that they named a settlement Trump Heights. The accusations against Trump for anti-Semitism was astonishing, given his daughter and son-in-law are Jewish, given his having finally kept the American promise of making Jerusalem the home of our embassy and his support of their defending themselves.  Even if you aren't anti-Semitic, but think Israel is no big deal, don't you get queasy by the left's anti-Semitism?  Any claim that it is no different than the Klan or neo-Nazis on the right is just ridiculous. One, they are quite few and there's not a single one in congress. The GOP and conservatives completely reject those groups. You couldn't find a Republican in office who supports Nazis, but you can find hundreds of thousands of Ds in Portland alone, which supports Antifa and many radical congresspersons.

If you don't recognize as true the powerful anti-Semitic streak among blacks and especially BLM, well, I'll leave you to research it yourself, for now. I've said enough on this topic in prior posts.

To appease terrorists: I can't go as far as to say that Biden is pro-terrorist, but let's face it, the Obama-Biden team has worked hard to appease Iran, entering into an agreement that gave hundreds of millions to Iran (though they are considered the leading exporter of terrorism) and Biden has just restarted giving millions, perhaps over $100 million to Palestinian groups and government through the U.N. and others. You might feel that is good and that it will lead to peace, though it never has. UNRWA, the UN's Palestinian refugee agency has a history of being infiltrated with Hamas supporters and knuckling under to its pressure. A friend of mine texted recently "Could u imagine we have 100s of FBI & CIA agents working tirelessly for years & years, trying to track the sources of funding of terrorists, through businesses & charities. 1000s of pages of financial regulations to prevent funding of terrorist...yet Obama writes a billion dollar check to Iran & Biden to Hamas. This is literally right out of Catch-22 & would be funny if it wasn't reality."

To increase racism: I've been covering this topic a lot and leave you to read back-posts or research it for yourself. I'll just very generally point out that Biden, despite being lily-white himself, is a spokesman for anti-white racism, both by saying incredibly stupid things like only whites can be racist, by saying the words "white guys" or "white man's culture" like it was a type of cancer and restoring the incredibly anti-white rhetoric of the critical race theory (CRT, though its hardly an actual theory and really just racism) movement back into the federal government, even the military. If you don't know what CRT is, I refer you to Home (, as he has been no less than heroic in combatting it. And despite Obama's mockery of making CRT our biggest threat yes, I do think it is our greatest concern, as it seeks fascism imposed from inside, rather than without.  

While pretending to be a uniter, Biden has been imprisoned by his knowledge that he won the D nomination and the Ds the bare majority in the Senate, thanks mostly to blacks, often in southern states, but elsewhere too. His putting CRT indoctrination in the military (while at the same time saying we are not a racist nation) and his making a federal program to benefit farmers of only his preferred race are simply racist (thankfully, it has been temporarily shelved by an injunction) not to mention actually harmful to children and adults of every skin hue. There's no other word to describe except as fascistic, which I still think many people will feel goes to far as it envelops us. Trump stopped both these things - dealing with Iran as if it was a responsible government and giving money to Palestinians whose charters still include death to Israel.

To destroy our system of electing a president: How many Ds who ran for president in 2016 were for destroying the system of government that we have had since our founding - the Electoral College? Hillary Clinton, Cory Booker, Beto O'Rourke, Julian Castro, Elizabeth Warren, Jay Inslee, Pete Buttigieg, Kirsten Gillibrand, Marianne Williamson. How many will just say it would be difficult, impossible or impractical (but not that we shouldn't?) John Hickenlooper, John Delaney and Andrew Yang. How many sort of, kind of, maybe - Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard (the best of them, probably) and our VP, Kamala Harris.

Is there any reason to abolish the system which makes gives every State a say in the contest and not just elects who the Ds want? Could be. I'd like to hear it it. It's a difficult but ultimately fairer system than a straight popular vote. This becomes more obvious as millions of immigrants come in. In other words, most of them, although not Biden or Bloomberg. According to Pew, almost 3/4 of Ds are in favor of scrapping it, but only a little more than a third of Rs. I wonder why even that third think it's a good idea.

To water down the Supreme Court: Is there any reason to "pack" the Supreme Court other than to make sure the Ds never lose other argument before it? I don't think so. A NYTimes/Siena College poll said that 57% of Ds wanted to pack the Court and only 6% of Rs. A surprise? Hardly. If you heard one of our leading fascist Senators, Chuck Schumer, standing before the Supreme Court, calling out judges by name and promising to unleash the whirlwind on them, you wouldn't doubt it.

To make congress's impeachment powers ridiculous, partisan and trivial : Maybe you think that the two impeachments were valid exercises of the power. The first was no more than a joke. After failing to get rid of Trump by the Russia Hoax (he was right again), the Ds impeached him for asking Ukraine's leader to investigate corruption (though I admit he thought it would help himself - that's what almost all pols do). First they said it was a constitutional level crime, like Bribery. Then they said it was coercion (poor Ukraine, they argued). Then they gave up crimes (because there was no basis for it) and called it a quid pro quo for weapons even though Ukraine said they never felt any pressure to do it. They ended up by two vacuous charges, the usual "abuse of power" and, of course, "obstruction of congress." They knew it had no chance to win in a Senate vote, but Nancy Pelosi perhaps said it all by claiming it was a stain for all time on his presidency. It was a stain, but on the Constitution and Ds.

Then, after January 6th, they tried again, blaming Trump for what they called an armed insurrection, despite the fact Trump is recorded saying to supporters to "peacefully" protest. Despite the fact that there were no firearms. Even though it seems to have been, for almost everyone there, spontaneous. Even though there doesn't seem to be any real insurrection planned (I don't know, perhaps a few idiots). Even though the only apparent murder was of a protester by an officer whose name the federal government refuses to release and who isn't being prosecuted. Even though the Biden Administration pretended that Brian Sicknick was murdered and gave him a state funeral. And so on. But, despite the ridiculousness of the claim, they impeached Trump and even got a few yeah votes from Rs (most of whom I doubt will be re-elected and of whom I will speak about soon). 

Like with the George Floyd killing, Ds could not be happier than with the fake insurrection, which gave them one more opportunity to relentlessly attack Trump. Trump is the new "Jew," the new "black," the new scapegoat. Anything the Ds don't want to take responsibility for, or even just to distract us - its Trump.

As with most posts, I could go on and on. But, you hate droning on and on and so do I. In any event, I will be back shortly with the post on Biden and the border. 

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I started this blog in September, 2006. Mostly, it is where I can talk about things that interest me, which I otherwise don't get to do all that much, about some remarkable people who should not be forgotten, philosophy and theories (like Don Foster's on who wrote A Visit From St. Nicholas and my own on whether Santa is mostly derived from a Norse god) and analysis of issues that concern me. Often it is about books. I try to quote accurately and to say when I am paraphrasing (more and more). Sometimes I blow the first name of even very famous people, often entertainers. I'm much better at history, but once in a while I see I have written something I later learned was not true. Sometimes I fix them, sometimes not. My worst mistake was writing that Beethoven went blind, when he actually went deaf. Feel free to point out an error. I either leave in the mistake, or, if I clean it up, the comment pointing it out. From time to time I do clean up grammar in old posts as, over time I have become more conventional in my grammar, and I very often write these when I am falling asleep and just make dumb mistakes. It be nice to have an editor, but . . . .