A few weeks ago I ended my post on Simone Biles with:
"Wait a second . . I just had a great idea -
Why can't she just blame Trump?"
It wasn't really a joke. The "But Trump" defense has been reigning supreme since Biden took office just as during Trump's terms his followers were trained to holler "Obama did it" for every Trump triumph. However much more Biden divides this country, however much more he weakens it, he is just going to blame Trump while people like Nancy Pelosi and Don Lemon and all the pod people who seemed to be able to hypnotize perfectly normal, even intelligent Americans, will cheer JB or razz DT. Good job Joe. Ohhhh, that Trump (fist shake). As we have seen, it works when you have almost the entire media behind you. However, it is gotten so bad, that even a CNN and the like who are perfectly comfortable not reporting Antifa outrages or anything that can hurt the "narrative" have at least to some degree reported the news from Afghanistan. What size disaster will it take before they realize what they have created by electing him?
Some Democrat's have admitted what a disaster this is. Leon Panetta, Obama's CIA director has said: "President Kennedy took responsibility for what took place. I strongly recommend to President Biden that he take responsibility ... admit the mistakes that were made."
Democrat rep. Jason Crow (former Army Ranger) stated: "I’m not going to mince my words on this: We didn’t need to be in this position. We didn’t need to be seeing the scenes we’re seeing at Kabul’s airport with our Afghan friends climbing aboard C-17s. We should have started this evacuation months ago. Had we done that, tens of thousands of folks could have been brought to safety. It could have been done deliberately and methodically. That was a missed opportunity.”
Massacussett's Democrat and former Marine Seth Moulton said: "We need a plan. We need someone in charge. Honestly, we still haven’t really seen the plan. They had weeks of opportunity. They had an amazing coalition of liberal and conservative lawmakers who were willing to support the administration in this effort. In my mind this was not just a national security mistake, but a political mistake, too.”
A few other Democrats have spoken out, but not enough. And certainly not the commander-in-chief.
After one of the most humiliating military boondoggles of our history, up their with our flight from Saigon, Jimmy Carter's disastrous Operation Eagle Claw to rescue the hostages and Black Hawk Down in Somalia, Biden, who should be forever known as Baghdad Biden for his lack of any credibility in spinning the disaster, is trying to blame Trump . . . even though Biden took office almost 7 months ago. He had enough time to make the military woke, but not enough time to plan this?
Biden said in his August 16th press conference - where, once again, he took no questions, while the disaster is still unfolding "I am the President of the United States of America and the buck stops with me," but he absolutely meant "The Buck stops with Trump," as immediately he blamed it on a deal he claims to be stuck with struck by Trump with the Taliban.
Their option, he said, was to recommit to fighting the Taliban in the "Spring fighting season," which I guess they did not want to do (uhhh . . . is it Spring?). Okay, but, doesn't that mean. . . . he agrees with what Trump did? Sure, on the one hand, but it sure doesn't seem like it. Only the day before that he stated that Trump left the Taliban in the strongest position since 2001. Actually, leaving Afghanistan was not only Trump's plan - but Obama's plan - one of the few things they agreed on. This from NPR, hardly Trump territory, in July, 2016:
"Obama's drawdown in Afghanistan initially proceeded as planned during his second term, and he announced an end to U.S. combat operations at the end of 2014.
The president said then about 10,000 troops would remain to train the Afghans, though they too would leave that country by the time Obama left the White House.
Obama projected that U.S. troops would only have a "normal embassy presence" in Kabul by the end of 2016. U.S. Marines guard American embassies around the world."
Biden is basically saying that he's stuck with Trump's peace agreement because there are no good options, and the immediate folding of Afghan's government proves it is time to leave, because they have no fight in them, despite overwhelming manpower and material advantages.
Okay, that's been the presidential position for at least 13 years . . . except, the new president, the one in office, gets to do it in the way he wants, not the way the last one wanted. I mean, really, he came into office and immediately began hammering out presidential order after order, shredding everything that Trump did as fast as he could (a few federal district courts now stopping some of it). He could have done this as fast or slow as necessary to protect people and to stop the Taliban from being armed by us.
And guess what? When Trump lowered the American troop level to 2500, the Taliban did not take over the country or Kabul, though it was known it was still a threat. Biden threatening to wreak hell on them if they did this obviously had the same nil effect it seems to be having on our other enemies.
"We planned for every contingency, but, the truth is, this did unfold more quickly than we anticipated." Okay, but that means, you got it wrong. Not just a little wrong. Incredibly wrong. And, frankly, you couldn't have planned for every contingency. If you planned for every contingency, there wouldn't be reports of gunfire and deaths already, you wouldn't be saying your hearts go out to the Afghanies who helped us - they'd be safe.
How much has this epic failure hurt us? I remember Democrats actually saying that Trump endangered our national security with a single question in front of many witnesses on the telephone - by asking Ukraine's president to check up on corruption (which definitely was aimed at helping Trump with his likely opponent, Biden). Leave aside that even anti-Trump witnesses at the impeachment hearings had to admit (all of them) that Trump did more for Ukraine than Obama and that nothing was actually done to Ukraine - do you think these same Democrats will find that that this great display of Biden's incompetency in military matters has hurt our national security?
If you believe it will, you do not know most of those elected to government. They will just blame Trump for anything too big to spin as victory, like they do with Biden's disaster at the border. Even CNN can't pretend the Taliban waltzing back into power immediately is a victory. Our Pentagon already had to admit that the outlook on probable increased terrorism suddenly changed and we will have to see how. Hmmm. Who's going to do that? This same administration which couldn't predict what has been obvious for a long time - when we leave in the way we did, without taking care of our Afghan allies, our own civilians and our equipment, the Taliban will fill the vacuum and fast.
Americans are in danger of their freedom and lives, in danger of being tortured or taken hostage - are being told to shelter in place and not to contact the embassy. They do get to fill out forms though! And the Afghanies? Those poor women (half the country) who will lose all freedom, having tasted it, will become slaves again or perhaps young ones will become so for the first time -- what has Biden done to them?
Whenever I discuss Afghanistan I admit that I have changed my mind back and forth about this mountainous land of the lost that has been a death trap for the British, the Russians and us. Of the three, America, we did it the best, at least gave some people, especially the women a chance. Now, thanks to a president almost gloriously incompetent, we who maintained at least what we had safely with 2500 troops under Trump, idiotically abandoned this nation in a way that we are rushing back 3000, wait 5000, or is it now 6000 soldiers, with no time for a real plan.
Obviously we don't want to lose American lives without a good reason that we collectively feel the sacrifice of heroes is necessary. Obviously we can't police the world. But, obviously, we don't want the bad guys in the world laughing at our military's incompetency or to waste the deaths of Americans or Afghanies in the fight for that country, though it was initially to destroy Al Qaeda. Putin and Xi are watching this and it keeps getting better and better for them. I tell you right now, I believe that soon after the 2022 Olympics in China, Xi will begin to up the pressure in a way Biden will not be able to fathom.
This president, who previously said, “The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese army. They’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There's going to be no circumstances where you’re going to see people being lifted off the roof of a US Embassy in Afghanistan,” was plain wrong as that is exactly what is happening. Video: US Embassy in Afghanistan is evacuated - CNN Video. Video shows Afghans clinging to outside of US military plane as it takes off in Kabul - CNN Video. Remember - this is CNN reporting this - imagine how bad it has to be for that to happen. Besides, what contingencies did this administration actually plan for - what to do if the Taliban all fled into Pakistan after we left?
As our Goebbels like Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, recently said about people who were going to manufacture or buy fake vaccine proof - "Who could be so stupid?" Well, Biden can. It makes you wonder - was he really just a gaffe machine, or is there an almost uncanny lack of the most basic common sense?
And are you, dear readers, or those of you who voted for Biden, really going to still say you are glad he won?
Even if you leave aside this debacle, we are talking about an administration that has seen the highest inflation in 13 years, the highest gas prices since the Obama administration and job openings hitting a record high while at the same time unemployment setting a 20 year high - obviously due to Biden insisting that people on unemployment still get paid more money for doing nothing than they would if they had a job even though we are no longer locking down and jobs are ample. This is the administration you voted for training our military and federal agencies in critical race theory - a racist theory that includes if you are white you are inherently racist. This is the same administration that has had to be stopped by federal courts from its racist debt forgiveness and grant programs based on skin color. It is the same administration that literally undid the fix Trump made at the border by creating a record setting disaster (which has gotten even worse since I posted on it on June 15th). It is so bad that it has resulted in courts ordering the federal government to revert to Trump's Stay in Mexico policy (Biden threw it out first thing in office).
The truth is, Russia did start rushing troops to the Ukraine border and China did start practicing its future raids on Taiwan right after Biden took office. The truth is that Biden and no one else created the border crisis which it appears he doesn't even care about stopping and has begun to severely damage our economy.
The truth is that Trump pushed our fellow NATO members to pay their agreed dues, that he fulfilled our promise to Israel to make Jerusalem the home of our embassy, that he stopped payments to a Palestinian government that supports the families of terrorist bombers (we now pay for that in our aid that Biden restarted), that he did destroy ISIS, at least for the time when Obama watched it grow, that he did put Noko on its best behavior (even if still bad), that he did force China to the bargaining table (and if he had won, would have had even more success) and Putin got nowhere on Ukraine. The truth is that he did fix an out of control border, did shut down our border after COVID started while Biden and others called him a racist, that he did start Operation Warp Speed so that we could develop a vaccine as fast as possible and pre-world retraction because of COVID, took the government out of the way so that we have one of the best economies we've ever had. And he did this in the face of the most vicious and lying opposition since John Wilkes Booth leaped off the balcony.
Biden supporters (or Trump haters) - I know it is hard to admit that your political beliefs were wrong. I've had to come to that reckoning in my own life in my late 20s and it's not fun. I know for 5 years you've been watching hysterical anti-Trump messages in the media and that you may be repeating the mantra's - Trump's too this or Trump's too that, without any meat. I know you watched the Democrat-led embarrassments of the Russia hoax, the two impeachments, the Kavanaugh hearing and now the hyperbolic claims treating January 6th as the day the only riot that ever happened in America occurred complete with the lies that Brian Sicknick was murdered and Ashlee Babbitt was not. And as the resurgence of Covid-19 in this country throws us more obstacles to success after this president, then a candidate, either brazenly lied or was incomparably stupid in saying that Trump caused 400,000 deaths.
I say to you, in the immortal words of Short Run in The Temple of Doom - Wake up, Indie!!!!!!
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 4K - Wake up Dr. Jones. (bitchute.com)
I expect no miracles.
This article is spot on. Great stuff. Bravo. The available evidence on Biden leads to only 3 conclusions: 1. He is colossally stupid; 2. He is ill with dementia; 3. He IS trying to destroy our country as we know it (The euphemistic “he” applies either to Biden or more likely to the people that are moving his puppet strings. Also, none of these contingencies are mutually exclusive)
ReplyDeleteI tend to agree with Britt Hume that he is cognitively declining, as he is, as I am (you know, forgetting names more than ever, even simple words, who I told what to, etc.) and as is most everyone of a certain age. I do not believe he has dementia, or, if he does, very mild. However, I do think, absent a script, he has lost the ability to speak intelligently without rambling and that is not up to the task. That aside, I believe his faults come from clinging to power - he has to keep the radicals from dissenting from the party, and thus, goes along to get along. With respect to Afghanistan, his pathetic excuses aside, he was just incompetent, as likely were his advisors, and it has nothing to do with his mental capacity. But, as we joke - at least our military is diversified.
ReplyDeleteFinally, it would seem that the MSM’s willingness and ability to hide or deflect Joe Biden’s glaring deficiencies, which should have precluded him from ever being considered a viable candidate, let alone being elected our 46th President are beginning to ease. The posting's comprehensive listing of Trump successes is juxtaposed so well with Biden's failures, most as the result of his knee jerk rejection of anything even vaguely perceived as "Trumpian". "And he did this in the face of the most vicious and lying opposition since John Wilkes Booth leaped off the balcony" is one of the best lines I've ever read!
ReplyDeleteExcellent analysis. Biden must go. Problem is that those in succession behind him are at least as bad. Sigh...
ReplyDeleteBTW no problem posting this comment. (I think)