The tenth anniversay Who Said It? is played by the usual rules. The quotes are all from my library (sometimes I cheat a little, but not tonight). I don't know about you, but I find it a lot of fun. Answers at the end. Write down your answers so you can't cheat.
2) At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’ “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’ “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’ “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.”
a) Marquis de Sade b) Aaron Burr c) Jesus Christ d) Woody Allen
3) The one person this publication may injure is myself. I shall have to listen to the most disagreement reproaches for my shallowness, narrowmindedness and lack of idealism or of understanding for the highest interests of mankind. But on the one hand, such remonstrances are not new to me; and on the other, if a man has already learnt in his youth to rise superior to the disapproval of his contemporaries, what can it matter to him in his old age when he is certain soon to be beyond the reach of all favour or disfavour? In former times it was different. Then utterances such mine brought with them a sure curtailment of one’s earthly existence and an effective speeding-up of the opportunity for gaining a personal experience of the after-life. . . .
1) A certain author,
being persuaded that idolatry did not take its rise till after the deluge .
. . . d – This was not a
theologian, but Aaron Burr, who I believe (not alone, but virtually) to
be have had the most unfairly tarnished reputation after the Revolutionary
War, no little thanks to Jefferson, but more so, Alexander Hamilton, who, of course, kind of got the worst of it. Burr came from a very religious family though, including his maternal grandfather, Jonathan Edwards, of Great Awakening fame. Like Hamilton and Madison, he was a progidy, and wrote this while at Princeton before the war which would propel him to a career as one of the country's premier lawyers, Senator and even Vice President, before it all went . . . to Hell. He did however, outlive all the greats from the war, even Madison by a few months. Enough, as I think I sense a Burr post coming on.
6) Just suppose with me for a moment that an Ivan and an Anya could find themselves. . . c – Ronald Reagan from a speech in Jan. 1984. The original “reset.” This was the year after his “evil empire” speech and quite a change in tactics.
7) First, I deny his statement that every man’s heart tells him it is wrong to kill. . . . d – Clarence Darrow. Ironically, given the way he began, this was a speech in which he was actually objecting to capital punishment. Obviously, it couldn’t be Hitler, but Churchill and Roosevelt kind of work.
8) The more masculine a man is . . . . B – This time it was Hitler. If you’ve done this game before you know I love to include some weird Hitler quote. This was in 1937 from an address to the Nazi’s women’s group.
1. A certain
author, being persuaded that idolatry did not take its rise
till after the deluge, gives a very singular account of its origin.
According to him, atheism had spread itself over the world. This
disposition of mind, says he, is the capital crime. Atheists are much
more odious to the Divinity than idolaters. Besides, this principle is
much more capable of leading men into that excessive corruption the
world fell into before the deluge. The knowledge of a God, of whatever
nature he is conceived, and the worship of a Deity, are apt, of
themselves, to be a restraint upon men. So that idolatry was of some
use to bear down the corruption of the world. It is therefore
probable, that the horrid vices men were fallen into before the
deluge, proceeded only from their not knowing nor serving a God. I am
even of opinion (continues he) that the idolatry and polytheism after
the deluge derived their origin from the atheism and impiety that
reigned before it. Such is the temper of men, when they have been
severely punished for any crime, they run into the opposite extreme. I
conjecture (concludes the same author) this was the case with men
after the deluge. As they reckoned that this terrible judgment, which
carried such indications of Divine wrath, was sent for the punishment
of atheism, they ran into the opposite extreme. They adored whatever
seemed to deserve their worship.
till after the deluge, gives a very singular account of its origin.
According to him, atheism had spread itself over the world. This
disposition of mind, says he, is the capital crime. Atheists are much
more odious to the Divinity than idolaters. Besides, this principle is
much more capable of leading men into that excessive corruption the
world fell into before the deluge. The knowledge of a God, of whatever
nature he is conceived, and the worship of a Deity, are apt, of
themselves, to be a restraint upon men. So that idolatry was of some
use to bear down the corruption of the world. It is therefore
probable, that the horrid vices men were fallen into before the
deluge, proceeded only from their not knowing nor serving a God. I am
even of opinion (continues he) that the idolatry and polytheism after
the deluge derived their origin from the atheism and impiety that
reigned before it. Such is the temper of men, when they have been
severely punished for any crime, they run into the opposite extreme. I
conjecture (concludes the same author) this was the case with men
after the deluge. As they reckoned that this terrible judgment, which
carried such indications of Divine wrath, was sent for the punishment
of atheism, they ran into the opposite extreme. They adored whatever
seemed to deserve their worship.
a) Martin Luther b) Cotton Mather c) James Madison d) Aaron
2) At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’ “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’ “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’ “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.”
a) Marquis de Sade b) Aaron Burr c) Jesus Christ d) Woody Allen
3) The one person this publication may injure is myself. I shall have to listen to the most disagreement reproaches for my shallowness, narrowmindedness and lack of idealism or of understanding for the highest interests of mankind. But on the one hand, such remonstrances are not new to me; and on the other, if a man has already learnt in his youth to rise superior to the disapproval of his contemporaries, what can it matter to him in his old age when he is certain soon to be beyond the reach of all favour or disfavour? In former times it was different. Then utterances such mine brought with them a sure curtailment of one’s earthly existence and an effective speeding-up of the opportunity for gaining a personal experience of the after-life. . . .
a) Karl Marx b) Rudyard Kipling c) Sigmund Freud d) Alan
4) Whoso would be a man, must be
a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the
name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred
but the integrity of our own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have
the suffrage of the world. I remember an answer which when quite young I was
prompted to make to a valued adviser who was wont to importune me with the dear
old doctrines of the church. On my saying, What have I do with the sacredness
of traditions, if I live wholly from within? My friend suggest,--“But these
impulses may be from below, not from above.” I replied, “they do not seem to me
to be such; but if I am the devil’s child, I will live then from the devil.” .
. .
a) Ralph Waldo Emerson b) Ben
Franklin c) Isaac Newton d) Voltaire
5) Still at Camp
David . Lot of Romney flap in the papers this morning, P feels
there’s no need to react to it. Talked to me on the phone, wanted to see fi I
had heard anything from John Mitchell, and wants me to be sure to make the
point to him that we’re relying on him for New York , New Jersey ,
and Reagan, and we have to know if he’s not going to be able to do it. Wanted
to be sure that Agnew stays on an attack on McGovern, not on Shriver, that he
should ignore Shriver totally. McGovern and Shriver were both on TV talk shows
today, and Shriver did rather badly and McGovern did pretty well overall. . . .
a) Richard Nixon b) H. R.
Haldeman c) Gordon Liddy d) Pat Buchanan
6) Just suppose with me for a
moment that an Ivan and an Anya could find themselves, of, say, in a waiting
room, or sharing a shelter from the rain or a storm with a Jim and Sally, and
there was no language barrier to keep them from getting acquainted. Would they
then debate the differences between their respective governments? Or would they
find themselves comparing notes about their children and what each other did
for a living? Before they parted company, they would probably have touched on
ambitions and hobbies and what they wanted for their children and problems of
making ends meet. And as they went their separate ways, maybe Anya would be
saying to Ivan, “Wasn’t she nice? She also teaches music.” Or Jim would be
telling Sally what Ivan did or didn’t like about his boss. They might even have
decided they were all going to get together for dinner some evening soon. Above
all, they would have proven that people don’t make wars. People want to raise
their children in a world without fear and without war. . . .
Richard Nixon b) Jimmy Carter c) Ronald Reagan d) George H. W. Bush
7) First, I deny his statement that every man’s
heart tells him it is wrong to kill. I think every man’s heart desires killing.
Personally, I never killed anybody that I know of. But I have had a great deal
of satisfaction now and then reading obituary notices, and I used to delight,
with the rest of my 100 percent patriotic friends, when I saw ten of fifteen
thousand Germans being killed in a day.
a) Adolf
Hitler b) Winston Churchill c) Teddy Roosevelt d) Clarence Darrow
8) The
more masculine a man is, the more he is the undisputed in his sphere of
influence from the very start and the more feminine a woman is, the more her
own work and thus her own position is conversely uncontested and undisputed.
And the mutual respect of the sexes for each other will ultimately not be
achieved by the rules set up by two different communities, i.e., the community
of men and the community of women; instead, it must be acquired day by day in
real life. The more a man is faced with a woman who is truly female, the more
his arrogance will be disarmed from the very beginning—indeed at times too much
so; and conversely, the more a man is a whole man and carries out his work and
his life-task in the highest sense of the word, the more the woman will find
her natural and self-evident place beside him. In this constellation, the two
can never cross each other on their life-paths; they will instead join one
another in a wholly shared, great mission; and ultimately this mission is none
other than preserving the community of mankind as it exists today, and ensuring
that, in the future, it will be the way we desire it to be.
a) Winston Churchill b) Adolph
Hitler c) Franklin Roosevelt d) Charles De Gaulle
9) Now one comes to the perfumes--pure and
concentrated; there is a smell of attar of roses. Here they sell musk-purses,
frankincense and scented rats’ tails. We go into the next archway and see
nothing but boots and shoes, all colors, all shapes, slippers shining with
pearls and real embroidery. Another archway crosses close by here and in this
are concentrated haberdashery, muslins, handkerchiefs embroidered with big gold
flowers, beautiful materials. In the next arch there is the flash of weapons:
damascene blades, daggers, knives, rifles and pistols.
a) Mark
Twain b) Hans Christian Anderson c) Sir Captain Richard Burton d) David
10) The March of Providence is
so slow and our desires so impatient; the work of progress is so immense and
our means of aiding it so feeble; the life of humanity is so long, that of the
individual so brief, that we often see only the ebb of the advancing ways, and
are thus discouraged. It is history that teaches us to hope.
a) Ulysses S. Grant b) Will
Durant c) Robert E. Lee d) Henry Adams
2) At
that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps
and went out to meet the bridegroom. . . . c - Jesus Christ. A
parable from Matthew, ch. 25. He liked to tell stories, didn’t you know?
3) The one person this
publication may injure is myself. . . . c – Sigmund Freud from his The
Future of an Illusion. Alan Turing, in case you didn’t know, was a British
scientist sometimes known as the father of computer science and artificial
intelligence. Brilliant scientist. Atheist. Gay. Forced to accept chemical
castration in lieu of prison. Killed himself with cyanide.
4) Whoso would be a
man, must be a nonconformist. . . . a- Ralph Waldo Emerson. I can see how
you’d by Franklin or Voltaire though.
5) Still at Camp David . . . .
b - That was from H. R. Haldeman’s diary entry for August 13, 1972. Talk
about name dropping. P is the president, of course, and Romney is the current
GOP putative nominee’s father, George. A Michigan
governor, he had a shot as president in 1968, but being gaffe prone, he
eventually gave way to Nixon and then went into his administration. The “flap”
mentioned was about an argument he had in public while HUD secretary with the
Governor of Pennsylvania over flood relief. He resigned a few months later.
6) Just suppose with me for a moment that an Ivan and an Anya could find themselves. . . c – Ronald Reagan from a speech in Jan. 1984. The original “reset.” This was the year after his “evil empire” speech and quite a change in tactics.
7) First, I deny his statement that every man’s heart tells him it is wrong to kill. . . . d – Clarence Darrow. Ironically, given the way he began, this was a speech in which he was actually objecting to capital punishment. Obviously, it couldn’t be Hitler, but Churchill and Roosevelt kind of work.
8) The more masculine a man is . . . . B – This time it was Hitler. If you’ve done this game before you know I love to include some weird Hitler quote. This was in 1937 from an address to the Nazi’s women’s group.
9) Now one comes to
the perfumes--pure and concentrated; there is a smell of attar of roses. b
– Hans Christian Anderson. After a long tour of Europe and Turkey , he
wrote A Poet’s Bazaar. This was an
1841 entry from Istanbul .
If I didn’t have the book, I would have guessed Burton .
10) The March of Providence is so slow and
our desires so impatient. . . . c – Robert E. Lee from a letter he wrote after the war. If I hadn’t known, I’d
have guessed Henry Adams.
Done. Scores?
5 correct. You were a tricky bastard this time as you gave two very similar possibilities a number of times (got me on Emerson and Franklin, went with Franklin since you are a member of the Benny F butt boy club). Anyway, good job, provoked much to think about which is the main purpose of an effective blog. Bravo.
ReplyDeleteClearly this man has had his coffee this morning.
ReplyDeleteI was trying to be tricky with the answers, but these are hard anyway as I only use ones that when I first read them, it made me think, "Really, he actually said that?"
Thanks for your evalovin' comment.
Time for remedial classes- only 4 right. I get worse at this every time you post.
I hope you got Jesus right.
ReplyDeleteYes, that was one I got right.
Just a smiling visitor here to share the love