Thursday, January 14, 2021

Another day that will "live in infamy."

Yesterday was another day that "will live in infamy.”

After the first impeachment of Trump, which was purely politics, we knew that impeachment was just a political tool, that the constitutional requirement of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” long watered down until it had not much meaning other than politically expedient, no longer has a any meaning save one – insurrection. It is the latest (one cannot say most ridiculous when it comes to the left as there is too much competition).

Nancy Pelosi was right that impeachment is a stain. But, these two impeachments are stains on the House.

The impeachment of Trump is just the culmination of an insurrection that started before he even took office. There is no more democracy or even judicial review, where impeachment and court decisions are decided by the adversaries, the media, regular or social. Whether the insurrection was a centralized plan is possible, but more likely, it was just the goal of many people who in relentless action all directed against one man – the President of the United States.  

I have compared previously the actions of BLM and the left to the Nazis. It doesn’t really matter if it is them, or the Bolsheviks, or the French revolutionaries or any other group using fascistic tactics to take power and subvert a government.  As the nation falls more and more into one party power and fascism the impeachment is one more nail in the coffin of democracy, one more step towards apartheid, racism and fascism. We are long past the point where the left even feels it needs to explain itself, as it has the media, has big tech, has education, has the military (apparently, they’ve signed on to some extent, at least as “useful idiots”), has the hypnotic power over even many Republicans and I’d say, more than half the moderate/independents.

I grew up hearing about the Holocaust and the Nazis my whole life. I admit I was somewhat resentful at the idea that it could happen here. But it has, and the only ones calling it out – are almost entirely the fascists themselves, directed at anyone who might think it’s not a crime or privilege to be white, that all lives matter or that rule of law is important.

It never happens the same way twice. But, it always involves lies, deceptions, bullying and violence. That has happened now. And when a fairly tiny segment of the right finally shows it is completely fed up with what has been going on for not just the past year (when it acquired light speed) but for years, and sets to stop what it believes is the stealing of an election – not without reason – as the insurrectionists claim, that becomes the end all – all of the violence, all the riots, the murders, the attacks on police, the burning of buildings and vehicles in cities, the killing of scores of innocent civilians, the constant racist refrain of Black Lives Matter, the constant attacks of Antifa that are ignored or excused by the press, even the government (an idea we are told, not an organization – well, to paraphrase Max Baer,* keep your eye on that movement because it is killing cops and trying to take over Portland) – all mean nothing, are a mere brief when measured against one riot at the capital.

*Max Baer fought Joe Louis, easily one of the greatest, if not the greatest, heavyweight fighter ever. That much is definite. But, whether the following is true or just a story, I can’t say. Supposedly, between rounds, Jack Dempsey, then in Baer’s corner, said to him that Louis hadn’t landed a glove on him yet, to which Baer replied, “Then you better keep your eye on the referee, ‘cause he’s beating the hell out of me.”

Yes, someone is kicking the crap out of the country, and it’s not the Alt-right or the White Supremacists, or whatever you want to call them. I am not necessarily talking about right wing patriots who have had enough or understand what is going on, but have no use for the Klan or Neo-Nazis. However, as I’ve pointed out before, they are very few. It’s the left, BLM and Antifa, protected by their champions, the mayors of beleaguered cities (as Portland’s idiot mayor recently regretted after being personally attacked), the cowardly colluding governors and even our new incoming VP who has praised it, and other members of Congress who promote the violence either actively or by ignoring it, who can and are destroying the country. Trump, in my view, was always a clown in many ways, and I long ago predicted he would bring down the Republican Party, has been himself responsible for much of the hatred against him. He may deserve it, but the country doesn’t – the “presidency” doesn’t. And, despite all his character flaws (like most presidents – there are a lot; his are more visible), he did a good job, especially when you consider the relentless vicious political and violent assaults by the left.

During one BLM rally, a participant called out – Had enough? He knew what he was talking about. Much of the left, knowing they are protected, wants to riot, kill, destroy, and know they are protected and can, while normal people want to raise their families, or go to school or work – not riot or fight with rioters. They may find either they do, or they will take their lunch money.

I know, the left will call anyone who points out black violence (or white violence for blacks, which sometimes appears more prevalent) or calls BLM out for what it is, a socialist tool that does not care about all the black deaths it has caused by squashing the efforts of law enforcement. But, such is the truth. Nancy Pelosi will talk about a riot over an election and make it about “whiteness.” Joe Biden, who has no backbone, and also proven himself an anti-White racist, says that only whites can be racist (even the racist author of How to be an Anti-racist admits that doesn’t make sense), selected his VP based on skin color and will select his cabinet the same way. There obvious racism doesn’t matter to them anymore than Hitler’s rants about Jews didn’t make sense either.

Having long ago co-opted the media, now social media has added its oppressive weight, Facebook, Google (upon whose platform, Blogger, I write, I am sure, due to my lack of attention, unknown to them or they would shut me down and you will probably never hear from me again) and the drum beat gets louder. Whereas violent arsonists, killers, looters and others were easily bailed out of jail (especially in states that has made it easy to be violent, even to cops, and be out on the streets again the next day), and little was done to find all but the most violent (e.g., I recall they tracked down a woman who burned 5 police cars), the young men who attacked the capital are being hunted, fascist governors like Cuomo of NY, my own state, are sending national guard to D. C., all in the phony Nazi-like display that the right – the pathetic right, which can’t organize a picnic, can’t even win elections in the State of Georgia anymore, is somehow going to interfere with their success in putting Joe Biden, someone long known as a liar, now known as a sexual predator, who has always been laughed at for his gaffes – as the next president. How long before they turn their sights on him so they can get their goal of getting Harris into the presidency – will it be the 25th Amendment they will use or impeachment. We will see. Remember, the radicals always eat their own, often by murder, a la Stalin and the French revolutionaries, even when it wasn’t necessary.

You probably aren’t reading this if you think impeachment is a good idea, if you think BLM is too, if you think there is not oncoming fascism and totalitarian one party rule. But, if you do, all I can say is “okay.” It has nothing to do with the facts. But, there’s nothing I can do about it but try to persuade you otherwise. That attempt would almost certainly be a failure. Reason rarely works when emotions are so high. You either don’t know the facts or you don’t care.

The resistance to Donald Trump started when he announced his campaign in 2015, a frantic, unrelenting beat of a war drum that he would never be president. It started right away by painting him a racist, supposedly hatred of Mexicans or Hispanics. Certainly he said he did not want illegal immigration which has been unrelenting from Mexico and Central America for decades, and often brought with it violence, drugs and the near breaking of our legal immigration system.

If you don’t think Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, she who took a knee with fellow fascist (yes, that’s my genuine opinion) Chuck Schumer, shaming the Congress and our country by their demonstration of “only skin color matters,” actually calling the military – she said this, not me – to try to stop Trump from using nuclear weapons, as if that was a possibility, as if he was demented and threatening it, is not staged drama and actual insurrection (as the control of nuclear weapons is his, not hers) – okay.

If you don’t think the Joint Chiefs of Staff invading the political arena by stating that we will have a peaceful transfer of power, taking the side of those who claim that Trump will not leave office (who do they think would follow him on such a suicidal move – the Secret Service?) was an unnecessary violation of a political norm and a dangerous intervention by the military in our lives (I’m sure they think they are calming the nation) - okay.

If you think the only riot of importance is the one single riot because it took place at the Capital, and that not important is the thousands of violent riots and acts that the left calls “protest” across the country, including the attempt to take the federal building and its employees in Portland, Oregon, the attempts to burn cops alive (about a week after it was threatened on the media by a rioter who was being arrested), the many assassinations of police, the hundreds (thousands) of people as a result of the huge upswing in violence and reduction of policing due to the fact that one person, George Floyd was killed by a cop in front of the world - just because congress had to run for their lives too – okay. 

We are all sorry for Officer Pickwick, who was killed. But, if you think that’s the only tragedy, but not all the murdered cops this year, or all the murdered cops in years past by people inspired by or belonging to BLM or Antifa, or if you can say you care about all cops, but still be all about BLM or pretend Antifa is just an idea or not a threat – okay. 

If you don’t think media in this country has been taken over by the left, not just their normal domination, which still exists, but that social media empires like Amazon and Google have weaponized their control by destroying not only Trump and his associates but also Parler Free Speech Social Network on the web – okay.

If you don’t think the rise of BLM and the left’s adoption of their version of “Heil Hitler,” and integration into our government, the proselytization of our children and business into the new “Hitler Youth,” the end of non-politicized sports, the end of women’s sports wherever they allow men to compete, the growth of left wing racism, really apartheid, and its normalization, is a problem - okay.

If you didn’t think the Ds takeover of the floor of the House before Trump was even president, led by people like John Lewis, because they didn’t get their way, wasn’t insurrection – okay.

If you didn’t think the Ds actions at the Kavanaugh hearing, the Senators by relentless objection after a telephone call with their leader (Schumer), and the mob who were guests by screaming, was an insurrection – okay.  

If you don’t think Biden saying things like he is going to staff the WH based on identity and Pelosi saying the rioters chose their “whiteness” over democracy (of course, not saying, BLM chooses its “blackness” over democracy), shows that we don’t live in the same country anymore, but one of apartheid and fascism (which term I defined as I, and I think others, use it here on October 26, 2020).

If you don’t think Rep. Cori Bush (and, of course, many others) is race-baiting in the House impeachment, saying they should impeach the “white supremacist in chief” – okay. He forgot to mention, of course, that blacks actually did better under Trump than Obama. He can’t think of anything Trump ever said against blacks. Even Joe Scarborough, before he fell under the sway of Mika Brzezinski, that he had known Trump for years and he had never said anything racist. Not to mention that Trump got substantially more black votes (more men than women) this time than in 2016 (6%). Trump received between 8 and 12 percent of the black vote this time, either a 2 or 4% gain. But, again, okay.

And, of course, some weak-kneed Republican pols, many of whom are cowards, are going along with all this. That Mitch McConnell – who, unlike many actual conservatives (for the billionth time – I’m not even a conservative) who I thought was doing a good job fighting the left, has now decided he’d rather go with the impeach Trump crowd, or so it appears right now, is just one more notch on the radicals belts. However, his statements concerning the trial taking place after Biden is sworn in, may mean he is just playing with his supposed adversaries, or that he is conspiring with them to just impeach Trump without ever coming to a decision, as once he is not president, the issue is really moot.

Okay, got it. You think impeachment over yet another phony story is permitted under the constitution and is warranted because Trump is (fill in your pet complaint about him). It doesn’t matter as all that does now, with the Ds in power – is that power. And they will act ruthlessly.

I could go on endlessly (and sometimes do). But, Trump is impeached, despite the fact that there is a week to go in his term, and possibly he will be convicted by a craven Senate. We will see if the trial takes place during the next week. I already think the House has stained themselves by the last impeachment, but this one means, even more so, that there is no law at all in the country we can respect – if there were, they wouldn’t even be talking about the 25th amendment, a move they are also making.

My own study of Germany from the end of WWI through the end of WWII showed me that many people who we all would call, not knowing their political beliefs or history, good or normal people – regular shopkeepers, steel-workers, waitresses, singers, you name it; mothers, fathers, religious people, young, old, and so on – they supported Hitler. They thought he was a good guy, principled, honest. One author, who was mostly writing about Hitler’s architect and later the armaments minister, Speer’s battle with truth, explained how they couldn’t believe Hitler would ever be involved with something like the death camps or war crimes.

There is little doubt that Germany was destroyed by WWI and that the forced reparations and treatment afterwards, which served as Hitler’s go to reason for their problems (though it was a genuine one) other than blaming the Jews coupled with his demonization of the Jews and others, served as his excuse for acting as if under a state of emergency. As a former German Chancellor, and Hitler’s initial vice chancellor, Von Papen, explained at the Nuremberg trials (he was acquitted, but later thrown in jail by Germany anyway for a few years, and some of his comments seem poor excuses), when Hitler was given the chancellorship, it was only after efforts to divide the Nazis failed, and the choice was between the then chancellor initiating a military dictatorship that they knew was unconstitutional, and letting Hitler form a government, that it happened. They were more afraid of the military dictatorship and the communists (whose loyalty was often to Stalin) than Hitler. The fact that they picked the wrong horse is, in the end, all that matters. The play always is, you better pick us rather than the other guys because they are really horrible. The country needs moderates, and real statesmen/women in politics, not vicious anti-White socialists.

I think that’s what we have in this country right now. The people on the side of fascism include those I know that are very nice people, some among my best friends. Some know something about politics, some know nothing or little. Often they watch tv news like CNN or MSNBC, which supports fascism in numerous ways – of course, they don’t say that. But, when they tell you that riots and takeovers of cities is “mostly peaceful,” while we can see the flames and read about the deaths, is just propaganda of the type promoted by the Nazis and the Bolsheviks. People who are glued to those networks, in fact, most of the media, including much of FoxNews during the day, believe what they are told and don’t know what they aren’t told (or ignore what they are told if it goes against the narrative).

We are doing the same thing. Biden is your choice. All evidence shows he is a predator, arrogant, conceited (if you don’t think so, you never saw him act in the Senate) and an admitted liar, which he said he did when he was angry (I think he called it exaggeration, which I guess sounds better than lied). Surely, Trump was some of these things too. I don’t believe he was a predator because I don’t have any visual evidence and complaints by those on his political side, as with Biden. Perhaps if there were not so many lies against him and others, including Kavanaugh, I’d be more prone to believe it. Nevertheless, even some Ds believe Biden is one. Who cares, right? He’s a Democrat. He’s not Trump. That’s enough for you.

But worse, Biden has shown over and over that he will buckle under to pressure from the fascist/apartheid supporters. We do live in a country now where the president can say he is going to get relief for people based on color and gender, and it’s not met with outrage. We do live in a country where unconscionable murder and violence is met with a shrug by the left where it doesn’t fit the narrative. It’s more than a shame, but the leaders on the right have met an enemy that will use low blow after low blow, and do not have the will to complain, nor a referee who will disqualify their opposition.

Remember that way too late people said, Hitler telegraphed what he was going to do. All you have to do is listen to the fanaticism of Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and so many others to know what they want to do – return to an age when skin color and other superficial identity traits is what counts.

The question is, with Trump gone, who will be their “Jews” to demonize? Likely, it will be the Jews again. Left wing social media is filled with anti-Semitic rhetoric. Many of the Democratic left deny it, but sure act like it. How long will Chuck Schumer be the parade leader towards the same gas chambers? Whites in general, will continue to be demonized as we hear more and more from the left that they are the problem. It will not be as big a surprise that childless people will embrace the hatred of white skin that is all too visible on the left – even by whites, but will be most shocking is that white parents of children, will embrace it – perhaps thinking of their own sons as potential “killer cops” or their daughters as “Karens.” Both of these demonization programs has already started. And just as in Europe there were many Quislings, we have a so many on the right willing to act the role.

You would not have thought 20 years ago, our nation, ever improving its culture and moving further and further from racism (as Obama acknowledged when it was still safe for him just in 2016 – the best time ever to be a minority), would come to this juncture, with racists, fascists and apartheid running the country.

It will not, in fact, be okay. Today is a sad day in America. Those rejoicing are in some cases monsters, ready for their revenge and abuse of power, or innocents who could and should have known better.

I repeat myself, I know. I'm not a party member and have no use for either the philosophies of conservatism or liberalism (although I was once a liberal when it made sense and they were for free speech and conscience). I'm a constitutionalist, although that has little meaning anymore as there is little recognizable left, and a moderate who opposes all fascism or racism, from any source. I lean a little libertarian (small "l") but this also means not much anymore, when all we care about is being abused and draped over a political coffin. I have always opposed violence, except in self-defense, and admired Gandhi, Thoreau and King, among others. They have been buried by the left, who now uses every tool in the box, violence, lies, character assassination, propaganda and coercion in many forms.

But, we must oppose fascists each as they can and they are coming for all of us one way or another, because that's what they do. The fact that the left-wing fascists far outnumber the right, doesn't matter.


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I started this blog in September, 2006. Mostly, it is where I can talk about things that interest me, which I otherwise don't get to do all that much, about some remarkable people who should not be forgotten, philosophy and theories (like Don Foster's on who wrote A Visit From St. Nicholas and my own on whether Santa is mostly derived from a Norse god) and analysis of issues that concern me. Often it is about books. I try to quote accurately and to say when I am paraphrasing (more and more). Sometimes I blow the first name of even very famous people, often entertainers. I'm much better at history, but once in a while I see I have written something I later learned was not true. Sometimes I fix them, sometimes not. My worst mistake was writing that Beethoven went blind, when he actually went deaf. Feel free to point out an error. I either leave in the mistake, or, if I clean it up, the comment pointing it out. From time to time I do clean up grammar in old posts as, over time I have become more conventional in my grammar, and I very often write these when I am falling asleep and just make dumb mistakes. It be nice to have an editor, but . . . .