Well, yesterday I posted about the incredible hypocrisy surrounding the crying over the Senators and Congressmembers who had to run (wah wah wah - they don't care about people in cities suffering under the rage of young idiots, so why should we care about them?) and a bit on the oncoming fascism. As I said yesterday, I do oppose the rioting and I think Trump's attempt to overturn the election was groundless. But, I got why they were doing it. I won't repeat it. You can read it. Today I want to celebrate one thing, and then go back to beating my drum that yes, fascism can happen again - it's already happening, and the fascists are on tv.
So, as we know (okay, strongly believe), though they might make the right noises briefly on occasion, those sometimes known as the chattering class or the beltway, particularly those on the left, really haven't seem to be concerned about cop's deaths.* We know BLM/Antifa doesn't and has sometimes even murdered and tried to murder cops. As one school teacher, fully on the left, said to me - "But, isn't risking their lives part of their job description?" As if getting assassinated is the same as whether they should have to help out at parades.
*I am sure they would insist they care, but for me, if you really care, you must condemn BLM and Antifa.
But, finally, they found a cop's death they care about. Five people died at or as a result of the riot in D.C. the other day. It certainly doesn't bother the new fascists, the ones who have zombie-like focused mostly on getting rid of Trump, but, they didn't seem concerned that the first four of them seemed to be protesters. But, when an officer died, they had their opportunity to show how much they care and are beating their chests about it. [Postnote, I just heard after posting that it has been suggested he be lay in state, something certainly not suggested for any of the cops outright murdered in BLM riots or murdered by Antifa, etc.] I think his death is horrible (although I now reflexively don't trust the media's account of anything political - but, going on the assumption it is true that his later death was the result of wounds from the riot). Remember, when you normalize these people, they are the one's who pass laws against us, but except themselves from their scope. They don't have Obamacare. OSHA doesn't apply to them. Even the Freedom of Information Act doesn't. Numerous others.
Indeed, I am sure we will hear a lot of wailing from the left about the officer who died, Brian Sicknick. I feel terrible for him and his family and friends, for what happened. You can disagree with me, but I think the left are just using it to further their narrative. I mean, isn't it that cops are evil (even black cops), that they are killers hunting blacks (again, even the black cops)? Don't some of them want to teach black kids to be fearful if they see a cop and that little white boys at least are potential killer cops? That is actual rhetoric from BLM and like minded people. If you listened to Joe Biden's speech yesterday, it was filled with lies and the usual garbage. If this were black people who rioted, he told us, it would have been a different story. Really, Joe? Because, they've been rioting all year (for years, in some cases) and no one has done much to stop them - some mayors ignore or praise them - at least until they get attacked, like Portland's idiot mayor recently (and, sorry, but I must call him that).
The second to last assault on Trump is happening now - the frantic rush to impeach him again. Even some Republicans who I have completely lost respect for, are calling for it. They will try to rush it through in record time. Maybe they will succeed. I hope, for his sake, he won't have the same legal team as he did on the election. Law, the Constitution, fairness, has nothing to do with it. It is about fury, and self-righteousness and power. If they do so, I will probably remain the same person in terms of morality and being law abiding myself, but I may feel that there is no law and it doesn't matter what people take advantage of. Maybe that has been true for a long time and I am just slow coming to it.
Let me give you an example. I admired Ben Sasse, a Senator from Nebraska. Intelligent, well-spoken, moderate, but with some courage. I'm sure he is feeling valorous and courageous now, calling out Trump. And, I don't even care if he has a position that is opposed to Trump. Fine. We all disagree with each other all the time.
But, for me, if you are a Republican and the first thing you say when calling out Trump is not that we must put it in context of the insane "resistance," and robotic attempts to defame, frame, punish and attack him and even more so the inherent fascism in the left's cancel culture, BLM and Antifa, I cannot waste my limited time. The left has perfected the I'm not listening or talking to you defense. That way, when they can't answer questions, they don't have to. I don't do that. And, believe me, I would love to debate Ben Sasse or anyone on these topics - if I only could. But, I can choose whose opinions I listen to more than once (I get the facts separately) and I'm not wasting time on people's opinion that seems politically motivated to me or divorced from reality.
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